The Kiss
Cupid and Psyche
Great Lovers (Mr and Miss Hembus)
A Man and a Woman Seen from the Back
The Kiss
The kiss (Le baiser)
Lovers in the Waves (Elskende par i bolger)
Sketch for “Composition II” ( Skizze für "Komposition II" )
The Antipope
Les amants (The lovers)
Embrace (Etreinte)
Display of Enchantment
Jupiter and Juno
Ovid and Corine
Polyenos and Chrisis
Two Nudes (Lovers)
Kiss (Поцілунок)
Life (triptych) - Love (Життя (триптих) - Любов)
Young courtesan with her lover
Female Lover
Panel 3. Psyche Discovers that Her Mysterious Lover is Eros
The Winged Lover
Lovers in the bed II
The Broken Marriage
Death appearing to a wedded couple from an open grave
Bacchic scene with minotaur (Scene bacchique au minotaure)
The Kiss
Der Kuss / The Kiss
Liebespaar II / Lovers II
Venus and Adonis
The Odalisque
The Courtesans (Les Courtisanes)
The Grande Odalisque (Grande Odalisque)
Portrait of Linda Christian
Cupid Unfastening the Girdle of Venus
Female Nude with Snake (Cleopatra)
Jeune femme en costume oriental (La sultane)
Nude Maja
Reclining Odalisque or, Woman with a Parakeet
Scheherazade (Шахерезада)
Odalisque couchée
Gabrielle with open blouse
Model with bare breast
Portrait of a Woman, said to be of Simonetta Vespucci
The Arabian
L'Odalisque à l'esclave
Helene with Colored Turban ( Helene mit buntem Turban )
L'odalisque turbulente
Courtisane aux yeux baisses / Courtesan with Downcast Eyes
Life (La Vie)
A simple meal (Le repas frugal)
After Midnight (The Return to Love the Lack of It)
Naked Couple on a Couch
Man and Woman (Mann og kvinne)
The Best Love of Don Juan
Ill-matched Lovers
The old man in love
The old man in love
Ill-Matched Marriage (The Marriage Contract)
The Gallant
Man and woman
The Silence (Te Faaturuma)
La barricade
The Rejected Lover
Mars and Venus
Venus and Mars Surprised by Vulcan
Venus and Mars
Lovers Man and Woman
Abandoned Venus
Agar dans le désert (Hagar in the desert)
Hagar and Ishmael
Hagar in the Desert
The Repudiation of Hagar
Abraham Casting Out Hagar and Ishmael
Sarai Sends Hagar Away
Sarah Leading Hagar to Abraham
Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert
Abraham Dismissing Hagar
The Penitent Magdalene
Mary Magdalene in Penitence
Christ and Mary Magdalene
The Magdalene
St. Mary Magdalene
Penitent Magdalene
Mary Magdalene at the Tomb
St. Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalen Repentant
The Life of Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene Dante
Mary Magdalene in ecstasy at the foot of the cross
Penitent Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene with a night light
Appearance of Jesus Christ to Maria Magdalena
Penitent Magdalene
Mary Magdalene In The Cave
Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy
Maddalena penitente (Penitent Magdalene)
The Two Friends  (Les Deux Amies)
The Visit (La Visite)
Lesbians having sex by a harikata (dildo)
Lesbos, Known as Sappho
Lesbian love
The Sleepers  (Le Sommeil)
Le sommeil d'après Courbet
The Marchesa Casati
Retrato de María Félix
Portrait of Natasha Zakólkowa Gelman
The Kiss
The Kiss

Gustav Klimt, 1907-1908, Belvedere, Vienna, Austria

Cupid and Psyche
Cupid and Psyche

Benjamin West, 1808, Rococo

Great Lovers (Mr and Miss Hembus)
Great Lovers (Mr and Miss Hembus)

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1930

A Man and a Woman Seen from the Back
A Man and a Woman Seen from the Back

Vincent van Gogh, 1886; Paris, France: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Kiss
The Kiss

Francesco Hayez, 1859, Pinacoteca de Brera, Milan, Italy

The kiss (Le baiser)
The kiss (Le baiser)

Max Ernst, 1927, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, 1976

Lovers in the Waves (Elskende par i bolger)
Lovers in the Waves (Elskende par i bolger)

Edvard Munch, 1896, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York Estate of Karl Nierendorf, By purchase

Sketch for “Composition II” ( Skizze für "Komposition II" )
Sketch for “Composition II” ( Skizze für "Komposition II" )

Vasily Kandinsky, 1909-10, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York Solomon R. Guggenheim Founding Collection


Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, c.1908, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York Estate of Karl Nierendorf, By purchase

The Antipope
The Antipope

Max Ernst, 1942, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, 1976

Les amants (The lovers)
Les amants (The lovers)

Rene Magritte, 1928Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, US

Embrace (Etreinte)
Embrace (Etreinte)

Pablo Picasso, 1971, Surrealism

Display of Enchantment
Display of Enchantment

Musee des Beaux Arts de Montreal

Henri Fantin-Latour , Grenoble 1836 – Buré, France, 1904


Oil on canvas

98.5 x 131.5 cm

Purchase, John W. Tempest Fund, inv. 1936.658

This ambitious canvas represents, according to the artist’s widow, “a young fairytale princess” who “descends the steps of a fantasy palace and sees before her a young prince charming with his retinue, offering her precious gifts.” What was viewed as the painting’s unfinished appearance—created by its sketchy brushwork—kept it out of the official exhibitions, but it was included in the famous Salon des Refusés in 1863 alongside avant-garde works by the future Impressionists. Among those misunderstood artists were Manet, Cézanne, Pissarro and the American McNeill Whistler, who became the owner of this picture. Fantin-Latour objected to being labelled an Impressionist. His work is at once belatedly Romantic and Symbolist before the fact, and refers to past masters, like the Venetian painters Titian and Veronese, and the Rococo artist Watteau. Neither mythological nor realist, the subject falls in line with the “art for art’s sake” decree of Théophile Gautier. The artist borrowed the flamboyant colouring of Delacroix. Fantin-Latour infused this canvas with a uniquely misty atmosphere. His poetically musical lyricism drew inspiration from the music of Richard Wagner, which he encountered in 1857, putting him well in advance of the craze for Wagnerian opera.

Jupiter and Juno
Jupiter and Juno


Ovid and Corine
Ovid and Corine


Polyenos and Chrisis
Polyenos and Chrisis


Two Nudes (Lovers)
Two Nudes (Lovers)

Oskar Kokoschka, 1913

Kiss (Поцілунок)
Kiss (Поцілунок)

Vsevolod Maksymovych, 1913, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Life (triptych) - Love (Життя (триптих) - Любов)
Life (triptych) - Love (Життя (триптих) - Любов)

Fedir Krychevsky, 1927, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Young courtesan with her lover
Young courtesan with her lover

Kitagawa Utamaro, 1799

Female Lover
Female Lover

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Panel 3. Psyche Discovers that Her Mysterious Lover is Eros
Panel 3. Psyche Discovers that Her Mysterious Lover is Eros

Maurice Denis, 1908


Fernando Botero, 1984

The Winged Lover
The Winged Lover

Sabin Balasa

Lovers in the bed II
Lovers in the bed II

George Segal, 1970

The Broken Marriage
The Broken Marriage

Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, 1925, Dada

Death appearing to a wedded couple from an open grave
Death appearing to a wedded couple from an open grave

Rembrandt, 1639

Bacchic scene with minotaur (Scene bacchique au minotaure)
Bacchic scene with minotaur (Scene bacchique au minotaure)

Pablo Picasso, 1933, Neoclassicism, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), Canberra, Australia

The Kiss
The Kiss

Auguste Rodin, 1901 - 1904, Impressionism

Der Kuss / The Kiss
Der Kuss / The Kiss

Lovis CORINTH, 1921, Gift of Mr. R. Langstadt, McMaster Museum of Art

Dimensions: Image: 17.9 × 15.9 cm (7 1/16 × 6 1/4 in.) Support: 34.2 x 24.9 cm (13 7/16 x 9 13/16 in.)

Medium: Drypoint on paper

Liebespaar II / Lovers II
Liebespaar II / Lovers II

Max Beckmann, 1918, Publisher: Verlag R. Piper & Co., Munich, McMaster Museum of Art

Dimensions: Plate: 21.5 x 25.7 cm (8 7/16 x 10 1/8 in.) Support: 31.8 x 33.3 cm (12 1/2 x 13 1/8 in.)

Medium: Etching and drypoint on paper

Venus and Adonis
Venus and Adonis

Hans von Aachen (1552–1615): Fogg Museum

The Odalisque
The Odalisque

Marià Fortuny
Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya

The Courtesans (Les Courtisanes)
The Courtesans (Les Courtisanes)

Paul Delvaux, 1943, Surrealism

The Grande Odalisque (Grande Odalisque)
The Grande Odalisque (Grande Odalisque)

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, 1814, Neoclassicism, Louvre, Paris, France


Eugene Delacroix

Portrait of Linda Christian
Portrait of Linda Christian

Diego Rivera, 1886-1957

Cupid Unfastening the Girdle of Venus
Cupid Unfastening the Girdle of Venus

Reynolds, 1788

Female Nude with Snake (Cleopatra)
Female Nude with Snake (Cleopatra)

Rembrandt, 1637

Jeune femme en costume oriental (La sultane)
Jeune femme en costume oriental (La sultane)




Nude Maja
Nude Maja

Goya, 1800

Reclining Odalisque or, Woman with a Parakeet
Reclining Odalisque or, Woman with a Parakeet

Delacroiz, 1827

Scheherazade (Шахерезада)
Scheherazade (Шахерезада)

Pyotr Konchalovsky, 1917

Odalisque couchée
Odalisque couchée

Kees van Dongen, 1909


Eugene Delacroix
Fitzwilliam Museum (University of Cambridge), Cambridge, UK

Gabrielle with open blouse
Gabrielle with open blouse

Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art (TMoCA), Tehran, Iran

Model with bare breast
Model with bare breast

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Portrait of a Woman, said to be of Simonetta Vespucci
Portrait of a Woman, said to be of Simonetta Vespucci

Piero di Cosimo
Musée Condé, Chantilly, France


Francesco Hayez, 1867, Italy

The Arabian
The Arabian

James McNeill Whistler, c.1892

L'Odalisque à l'esclave
L'Odalisque à l'esclave

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780–1867), 1839 Fogg Art Museum

Helene with Colored Turban ( Helene mit buntem Turban )
Helene with Colored Turban ( Helene mit buntem Turban )

Alexei Jawlensky, 1910, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

L'odalisque turbulente
L'odalisque turbulente

Pierre Molinier, 1967, Surrealism, photo

Courtisane aux yeux baisses / Courtesan with Downcast Eyes
Courtisane aux yeux baisses / Courtesan with Downcast Eyes

Georges Roualt, 1937, Gift of Herman H. Levy, McMaster Museum of Art

Printer: LACOURIÈRE, Roger; Publisher: VOLLARD, Ambroise
Dimensions: Image: 29.3 × 21.2 cm (11 9/16 × 8 3/8 in.) Support: 44 × 34 cm (17 5/16 × 13 3/8 in.)

Medium: Coloured aquatint on paper

Life (La Vie)
Life (La Vie)

Pablo Picasso, 1903, Expressionism, Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA), Cleveland, OH, US

A simple meal (Le repas frugal)
A simple meal (Le repas frugal)

Pablo Picasso, 1904, Expressionism, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City, NY, US

After Midnight (The Return to Love the Lack of It)
After Midnight (The Return to Love the Lack of It)

Felicien Rops, Symbolism

Naked Couple on a Couch
Naked Couple on a Couch

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Expressionism

Man and Woman (Mann og kvinne)
Man and Woman (Mann og kvinne)

Edvard Munch, 1898, Expressionism, Rasmus Meyer Collection, Bergen, Norway

The Best Love of Don Juan
The Best Love of Don Juan

Felicien Rops, 1879, Symbolism

Ill-matched Lovers
Ill-matched Lovers

Quentin Matsys, 1525

The old man in love
The old man in love

Lucas Cranach the Elder, c.1525

The old man in love
The old man in love

Lucas Cranach the Elder, c.1517, Northern Renaissance, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium

Ill-Matched Marriage (The Marriage Contract)
Ill-Matched Marriage (The Marriage Contract)

Quentin Matsys, c.1525 - c.1530, Northern Renaissance, Museo de Arte de Sao Paulo (MASP), Sao Paulo, Brazil

The Gallant
The Gallant

Jan Steen (1625/1626–1679): Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Man and woman
Man and woman

Max Beckmann, 1932, Expressionism, Surrealism

The Silence (Te Faaturuma)
The Silence (Te Faaturuma)

Paul Gauguin (1848–1903): Worcester Art Museum

La barricade
La barricade

Bernard Buffet, 1949, Expressionism, Miserablism

The Rejected Lover
The Rejected Lover

Oskar Kokoschka, 1966, Expressionism

Mars and Venus
Mars and Venus

Paolo Veronese, Mannerism (Late Renaissance): Musée Condé, Chantilly, France

Venus and Mars Surprised by Vulcan
Venus and Mars Surprised by Vulcan

Tintoretto, Mannerism (Late Renaissance): Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany

Venus and Mars
Venus and Mars

Sandro Botticelli, c. 1485, National Gallery, UK

Lovers Man and Woman
Lovers Man and Woman

Egon Schiele, 1914

Abandoned Venus
Abandoned Venus

Arnold Böcklin, Symbolism

Agar dans le désert (Hagar in the desert)
Agar dans le désert (Hagar in the desert)

Marc Chagall, 1960, France

Hagar and Ishmael
Hagar and Ishmael

Benjamin West, 1776, Neoclassicism

Hagar in the Desert
Hagar in the Desert

Peter Paul Rubens, c.1630-1632, Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, UK

The Repudiation of Hagar
The Repudiation of Hagar

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, 1719,

Abraham Casting Out Hagar and Ishmael
Abraham Casting Out Hagar and Ishmael

Guercino, 1657

Sarai Sends Hagar Away
Sarai Sends Hagar Away

James Tissot

Sarah Leading Hagar to Abraham
Sarah Leading Hagar to Abraham

Matthias Stom, 1637-1639, Tenebrism

Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert
Hagar and Ishmael in the Desert

Luca Giordano, 1696

Abraham Dismissing Hagar
Abraham Dismissing Hagar

Rembrandt, 1637, Baroque, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel

The Penitent Magdalene
The Penitent Magdalene

Musee des Beaux Arts de Montreal

Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini

Venice 1675 – Venice 1741

About 1720-1725

Oil on canvas

118.5 x 94.3 cm

Purchase, Horsley and Annie Townsend Bequest and gift of Mr. and Mrs. Michal Hornstein, inv. 1995.11

Pellegrini was one of the outstanding Venetian Rococo history painters. A prodigy, by the age of fifteen the artist had travelled internationally. His loose brushwork was encouraged by visits to Rome, where he encountered the art of Giordano and the late paintings of Gaulli. He brought a new sprezzatura (spontaneous brushstroke) and vividness of colourism to Venetian decorative painting. He also was profoundly indebted to the Venetian Renaissance master, Veronese.

This painting is characteristic of the artist’s works of the early 1720s, with its weaving, nervous diagonal compositional structure, pastel palette and intense silvery light that dematerializes the figure. The artist prepared the canvas of The Penitent Magdalen with white, instead of red, ground. The result contributes to the brilliance of light and softening of forms defined in rapid brushstrokes as if dissolving in palpable atmosphere — a characteristic of the Venetian school — and the freshness and sensuality of the Magdalen, who is shown here surrounded by amor-like cherubim. The iconography is part of an extended Venetian heritage. Bare-breasted with long hair, the sensual Magdalen refers to her putative earlier history as a prostitute before her conversion to Christ. She appears accompanied by angels, shown in the open landscape of the wilderness to which she retreated, penitent and regarding scripture and a cross, with a skull as a memento mori, a Venetian type that had a long and notable history, with examples by Titian and Veronese, among others.

Mary Magdalene in Penitence
Mary Magdalene in Penitence

El Greco

Christ and Mary Magdalene
Christ and Mary Magdalene

Peter Paul Rubens, 1618, Baroque: Alte Pinakothek, Munich, Germany

The Magdalene
The Magdalene

Correggio, c.1518 - c.1519, High Renaissance, National Gallery, London, UK

St. Mary Magdalene
St. Mary Magdalene

El Greco

Penitent Magdalene
Penitent Magdalene

El Greco
c. 1590
Cau Ferrat Museum, Sitges, Spain

Mary Magdalene at the Tomb
Mary Magdalene at the Tomb

Alexandre Cabanel, 1875, France

St. Mary Magdalene
St. Mary Magdalene

Pietro Perugino, 1500, Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy

Mary Magdalen Repentant
Mary Magdalen Repentant

Titian, 1531, Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia

The Life of Mary Magdalene
The Life of Mary Magdalene

Salvador Dali, 1960

Mary Magdalene Dante
Mary Magdalene Dante

Gabriel Rossetti, 1877, Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE, US

Mary Magdalene in ecstasy at the foot of the cross
Mary Magdalene in ecstasy at the foot of the cross

Guido Reni, c.1628-1629

Penitent Mary Magdalene
Penitent Mary Magdalene

Francesco Hayez, 1825, Italy, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Milan, Italy

Mary Magdalene with a night light
Mary Magdalene with a night light

Georges de la Tour, 1630-1635, Louvre, Paris, France

Appearance of Jesus Christ to Maria Magdalena
Appearance of Jesus Christ to Maria Magdalena

Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov, 1835

Penitent Magdalene
Penitent Magdalene

Caravaggio, 1571-1610, Doria Pamphilj Gallery

Mary Magdalene In The Cave
Mary Magdalene In The Cave

Jules Joseph Lefebvre, 1876, Academicism

Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy
Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy

Artemisia Gentileschi, 1613-20, Private collection

Maddalena penitente (Penitent Magdalene)
Maddalena penitente (Penitent Magdalene)

Artemisia Gentileschi, 1615-16 or 1631, Private collection, Marc A. Seidner, Los Angeles, USA

The Two Friends  (Les Deux Amies)
The Two Friends (Les Deux Amies)

Paul Delvaux, 1946, Surrealism

The Visit (La Visite)
The Visit (La Visite)

Paul Delvaux, 1944, Surrealism

Lesbians having sex by a harikata (dildo)
Lesbians having sex by a harikata (dildo)

Utagawa Kunisada, c.1840, Ukiyo-e

Lesbos, Known as Sappho
Lesbos, Known as Sappho

Felicien Rops, c.1890, Symbolism

Lesbian love
Lesbian love

Endre Bartos, 1980

The Sleepers  (Le Sommeil)
The Sleepers (Le Sommeil)

Gustave Courbet, 1866, Realism

Le sommeil d'après Courbet
Le sommeil d'après Courbet

Bernard Buffet, 1955, Expressionism

The Marchesa Casati
The Marchesa Casati

Augustus Edwin John, 1919, Art Gallery of Ontario

Retrato de María Félix
Retrato de María Félix

Diego Rivera, 1948

Portrait of Natasha Zakólkowa Gelman
Portrait of Natasha Zakólkowa Gelman

Diego Rivera, 1943, Art Deco