Amanta Scott: Faces of Tikkun Olam — Miles Nadal Gallery at the J, 2023

A Quick Glance at the Paintings

Canadian-born, I recently discovered I come from over ten generations of human rights activists, philosophers, rabbis, artists and refugees— engaging with questions about identity, sexuality, spirituality and social change. Encapsulating our shared values, and evolving from my project Eyeing Medusa, Tikkun Olam is an exhibition of outstanding individuals who exemplify the concept of repairing the world— individuals who are either my ancestors or friends thereof, or simply wonderful people who have touched my heart and contributed to making the world a better place. 

An encaustic painting evolves through successive layers of molten beeswax, each fused with a torch or iron. An active partner in my process, beeswax asserts itself texturally and sculpturally as I paint, layer, fuse, scrape back, and re-work. This medium also embodies the multiple layers of meaning and symbolism in my work. I paint faces— recognizable yet abstracted, close-up: so we look into the eyes without distractions. By avoiding everything typically used to objectify people, I aim to show what remarkable individuals they are. Each painting references pages on my website illuminated with relevant historical art masterpieces, galleries worldwide, and an array of community resources. I aim to shift perspectives and change historically toxic narratives by focusing on respect, empowerment and self-actualization.